October 16 “Mustang”

This is that Red 5.8!

This took so long! I couldn’t actually get a video because it was just Marie and I but we don’t always need a video or picture. Writing about it works too! 

So it took me several tries to get past this problem. When I first started it was that first overhang that was the killer. The first time I grabbed this 

I ended up hanging there swinging and losing grip. I learned that turning your hip to the wall was crucial for several moves on the wall. It was this climb that shifted the way I climb, hip to wall started becoming much more frequent and enabled me to do moves and problems I couldn’t do otherwise. I couldn’t get back up for a few sessions. That overhang was just ridiculous. When I finally grabbed it and had it secured, feet planted on holds below, I faced this angry hold 

Which I couldn’t grab for another several sessions. Once I grabbed that I was able to pull myself up and over the overhang! VICTORY number 1!

So I climbed up the rest of this quickly 

and easily.. right up until this...

I didn’t stay stuck here but that overhang was definitely worse that I expected. Everything always looks easier from the ground. What I really got stuck on was this...

I kept trying to grab the right side of the hold and kept realizing it wasn’t something i could hold onto. I got stuck here for two sessions before finally, tonight after a dozen plus falls and some cheering from Marie and a few other fellow climbers who I didn’t know below, I managed to balance myself enough to grab the right side and scale my hand to grab the part of the hold where I could hold on. VICTORY number 2!! I screamed and so did everyone below! Fantastic, since I did a lot of frustrated howl type things the few times I fell before that marvelous grab! 

 Then I scaled the rest with one break getting to the top. As I usually do, I screamed in victory as I held on to the top of that wall! VICTORY!!! 🤗

Climbing is hard guys! 

BUT I love it! 
