Injuries that Hinder Climbing

One thing about climbing and me is my tendency to injure myself or get injured. I'm so very injury prone and every time I start something physical I injure myself. Climbing puts a lot of strain on your body and that plus my body seeming to get injured easily, I was bound to get injured... three times now.. even though one of them wasn't actually from climbing though it has hindered my climbing ability.

complain.. complain.. complain right?

It has been highly discouraging. In just one year I have felt like giving up more than a handful of times. First my left middle finger, than my right ring finger and I hurt my shoulder lifting a TV. While my shoulder is better than it initially was I can still feel the twinge of pain that says it's not okay yet when I lift a simple box or several bags of groceries.

In research, I have found that often you will injure the muscles and tendons that are opposite the ones you use often. Climbing is definitely a full body workout but it doesn't work out all muscles. For instance, the Rotary Cuff will get weaker and weaker the more you climb if you don't specifically target them in other ways. Also, extensor muscles are neglected too which is part of my finger injury issue.

So, I am not going to give up but I have to take a different approach and I'm still working that one out. It seems that as soon as i say I'm going to start climbing more than once a week something else happens. I guess at this point I have to stop focusing on climbing several times a week and concentrate on how to increase strength so that eventually I can climb several times a week.

Rotary cuff exercises, extensor exercises. I will keep looking.
